There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children

Nelson Mandela


• The idea for this website comes from my own personal
experience as a mother of children with multiple special
educational needs, as a woman who was diagnosed late in
life and from a student studying education at university in
the hopes of becoming a primary school teacher. Also, this
is created as a resource for my dissertation at
university. An investigation into teacher preparedness for
working with children with SEN (how well do teachers feel
confident and sure that they have had the right training
and tools in the classroom when teaching children with
special educational needs). From my research many
teachers felt that they would like to know more about SEN
and how best to support their pupils.

• I wanted to create a website that is a place of information
and support for all teachers so they can best support all
the pupils that they teach.